Soaring Home Prices Keep Young Aussies at Home Longer

Rising home prices are increasingly pushing young Australians to live with their parents for longer, according to a new PropTrack analysis of census data.

Their analysis shows that homeownership among 25-29-year-olds has dropped by 10.2 percentage points between 1991 and 2021, with a similar decline of 9.4 points for those aged 30-34.

While several factors are contributing to this trend, it is partly driven by the extended time needed to save for a deposit as property prices soar, making it harder for first home buyers to enter the market.

As a result, nearly half of 20-24-year-olds and one-fifth of 25-29-year-olds now live with their parents, compared to just over a third and one-tenth, respectively, in 1981.

Even among 30-34 year-olds, the proportion living at home has doubled to 7.8% over the same period.

As the image below shows, the situation is particularly stark in regions with higher median home prices, where a larger share of young adults is forced to remain at home.

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